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Green Kitchen – Sustainable Living in Your Own Home

Here at Core we put a big focus on sustainability in how we manufacture our kitchens and furniture, as well as within the workplace in general. Being ‘green’ is a very important way to take care of our planet and pave the way for future generations so we have come up with some tips on how you can live more sustainably in your kitchen, feeling good about your choices and helping planet earth thrive in a time where issues like the plastic-crisis are very real.

Quality Instead of Quantity

When we make our kitchens, as well as using responsibly-sourced materials and carefully choosing products which have a lower impact on our environment, we ensure that our work is top quality to provide longevity in our product and minimise the need for replacement. At home, by investing a little more money at the outlay and where possible, we highly recommend you choose cookware, appliances and utensils which are designed to stand the test of time. Stainless steel pans over Teflon, quality knives which can be sharpened and re-sharpened at home by hand and long-lasting cloth towels instead of paper which must be thrown away are all simple changes we can easily make to improve on the need to throw away and replace which has sadly become part of our culture. As well as saving yourself money with a single investment, you’ll be doing your bit to save the planet!

Chemical-Free Cleaning

These days, although harsh, chemical cleaners and detergents still exist, in a world which is waking up to climate change and the issues our planet is facing, there are many more options available of companies which produce non-toxic and often even plant-based cleaners which are just as effective as those containing chemicals. You can also be extra-savvy and make your own cleaners at home using regular household items such as baking powder and vinegar. Combined, these make a brilliant, natural all-purpose cleaner.

Buy Local

Just like the appliances and products that you bring into your kitchen, selecting sustainably when it comes to food is equally as important. In the UK, over 70% of our land is farmed which means there are plenty of amazing, home-grown fruits and veggies to pick from, not to mention local selections of cheese, wine and meat too. Shopping sustainably from farmers markets and farm shops is a really lovely way to support local people and businesses as well as to get the best out of some wonderful, fresh foods. Avoid waste by using as much of the food as possible and for those bits which cannot be used such as tops of carrots/inedible fruit skins, composting is an excellent way to be green.

Don’t Cling to Cling Film

Cling film is a non-recyclable plastic product but actually poses even less of a problem than its food-wrapping cousin, tin foil. Both of these contribute to an enormous amount of waste – shockingly, 1.2 billion metres of cling film is used in the UK households every year – and this can be solved for the major part by investing in reusable silicone stretch lids or environmentally friendly beeswax wraps. They are not the cheapest but once you have bought them they are an investment as can be reused countless times and some even have lovely designs on them!

There are many ways to do your bit for the environment within your home and the kitchen is a great place to start. Why not build a plan to increase your home-living sustainability and have it as an in-house challenge? At Core, our sustainability policy is very important to us and we try to ensure we are doing our best to take care of our planet earth in our working practices and we would love to chat to you about how we do this. Call in to the showroom to see our gorgeous ‘green’ kitchen island – just call 07540946570 to book an appointment today.